By David J. Riggs

   A. 1 Sam. 15:33 says, "And Samuel hacked Agag in pieces before
      the Lord in Gilgal."
   B. We learn from 1 Sam. 15 what led to this dreadful occurrence.
      1. Saul was commanded to go and utterly destroy the
         Amalekites. 1 Sam. 15:1-3
      2. Saul was not totally obedient, and Samuel was sent by the
         Lord to rebuke him. 1 Sam. 15:9, 18-19
      3. Saul tried to excuse his disobedience by blaming the people.
         1 Sam. 15:20-21
      4. Samuel rebuked him in no uncertain terms. 1 Sam. 15:22-23
         a. Saul was told that his kingship would be taken from him
            and given to another.
      5. It was at this time that Samuel, himself, did what Saul was
         commanded to do, and, thus, he hacked Agag in pieces.
   C. There are many lessons we can learn from this Bible narrative.
      1. One which is very obvious is that we serve an awesome God.
         a. The Amalekites were a wicked people and God wanted
            them utterly destroyed.
            (1) When Israel came out of Egypt, they attacked the
                weak and vulnerable who were lagging behind.
                Deut. 25:17-19
         b. As shown from Saul's actions, the Lord demands
            complete obedience.
            (1) God punished Saul severely for his disobedience.
   D. Another great lesson we can learn from 1 Sam. 15 is, as Saul   
      was commanded to utterly destroy the Amalekites, Christians are
      commanded to put to death certain things.
      1. Nothing short of complete obedience will be accepted.
      2. Let us list a few of those things.

   A. Fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire.
      1. An often used phrase in our time is, "God doesn't want me
         to be unhappy."
      2. They think, "I am unhappy in my marriage, and since God
         doesn't want me to be unhappy, I can divorce and marry
         someone else."
         a. Thus, they seek to justify themselves in doing the very
            thing God hates. Mal. 2:14-16a
      3. Someone else thinks, "I am sexually attracted to the same
         gender, and since God doesn't want me to be unhappy, I can
         practice homosexuality."
         a. Thus, they try to justify themselves for doing what God
            considers an abomination.
         b. Both the Old and New Testaments clearly condemn this
            sin. 1 Cor. 6:9-11
   B. Covetousness, which is idolatry. This is another Agag which
      must be hacked to pieces.
      1. "Idolatry" is: "1. the religious worship of idols. 2.       
         excessive admiration or devotion to any person, place, or   
         thing." (Webster)
         a. Thus, when one devotes his interest, time, or attention
            to something other than God, it is idolatry.
         b. We can easily see, therefore, how covetousness is
      2. We are to flee from covetousness just as we are to flee from
         fornication and the worship of idols. 1 Tim. 6:9-11a
   C. Anger, wrath, malice. These are other Agags which must be
      1. Often in our anger we say or do things which are sinful.
         James 1:19-20
      2. The one who holds his peace, though angry, is the one who
         is to be admired. Prov. 29:11; 12:16; 17:28
   D. Blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth.
      1. Filthy, off-color jokes are to be avoided. Eph. 5:3-5
      2. To take the Lord's name in vain is a very serious matter.   
         Ex. 20:7
         a. God commanded that they stone to death the boy who
            blasphemed God and cursed. Lev. 24:11-16
   E. Do not lie to one another. "Lying" is another Agag which must
      be hacked to pieces.
      1. In our society, many believe that under certain             
         circumstances it acceptable to lie.
      2. They think that to protect themselves, to save their job, to
         cover up an embarrassment, to cheat on a test, or to get
         ahead, it's OK to lie.
         a. After all, everybody's doing it; from teenagers in high
            school, to people in the work place, to the President of
            the United States, everyone often lies.
      3. Remember, that "lying" is a sin against God and, thus, is
         wrong in every circumstance. Rev. 21:8

   A. When we were buried with Christ in baptism, we crucified,
      destroyed and buried that old type of life.
      1. It is the power of sin at work in our bodies that must be
         destroyed. John 8:34
      2. Sin is personified as a master who takes control. However,
         through Christ we can escape the dominion of that evil
         master. Rom. 8:13
         a. If you put a buzzard in a pen six or eight feet square,
            and entirely open at the top, the bird will be an        
            absolute prisoner. The reason is that a buzzard always   
            begins a flight from the ground with a run of ten or     
            twelve feet. Without space to run, he won't even attempt 
            to fly, but will remain a prisoner for life in a small   
            jail with no top.
         b. A bumblebee, dropped into a glass, will be there until it
            dies unless taken out. It never sees the means of escape
            at the top, but keeps on trying to find some way out
            through the sides near the bottom. It will try to find a
            way out where there is none, until it dies.
         c. There are many people who are imprisoned like the
            buzzard and bee. They realize their deep need, and
            hunger for freedom from all the conflicts which come
            upon them. They overlook the obvious fact that the way
            out is "up."
         d. That way is through Jesus the Christ. God sent His Son
            to die on the cross that we might have a way of escape,
            to mount up with wings as eagles, and to dwell with
            Him throughout eternity.

   A. A basic, fundamental principle of Christianity is the denial of
      self. Luke 9:23
      1. Someone said, "When self-denial goes out of fashion, self-
         fulfillment takes its place." Also, "To consider persons,
         events, and situations only in the light of their effect    
         upon me, is to live on the doorstep of hell."
   B. If we lose ourselves for Jesus' sake, we will save ourselves.  
      Mark 8:34-37
      1. John 12:25 - Those who selfishly grasp at life will lose it,
         but those who surrender their lives to Christ will keep or  
         save it.
      2. Nearly every human being on the face of the earth is serving
         himself, not Christ. Phil. 3:18-19
      3. Even many preachers and elders serve themselves rather than
         the Lord. Phil. 2:19-21; 2 Tim. 4:10; Isa. 56:11
      4. This well illustrates interest in oneself: The story goes   
         that John and Dave were out hiking when they spotted a
         mountain lion staring at them. John froze in his tracks, but
         Dave sat down on a log, tore off his boots, pulled a pair of
         running shoes from his backpack and hurriedly began to put
         them on. John complained, "For crying out loud, do you
         think you can outrun a mountain lion!" Dave answered, "I
         don't need to; I only need to outrun you!"
      5. How to be a selfish, self-centered person:
         a. Always think about yourself.
         b. Always talk about yourself.
         c. Use the personal pronoun "I" as often as possible in
            your conversation.
         d. Mirror yourself continually in the opinions of others.
         e. Listen greedily to what people say about you.
         f. Insist that others give you consideration, respect, and
         g. Demand agreement from others regarding your own
            views and opinions.
         h. Sulk and pout if people do not show you favors.
         i. Never forget a service you may have rendered to others.
         j. Be suspicious and sensitive to the slights of others.
         k. Be jealous and envious of others.
         l. Never forget a criticism.
         m. Trust nobody but yourself.
   C. All those who are self-seeking will be lost. Rom. 2:8-9
      1. "Self-seeking" - "A desire to put oneself forward, a        
         factious, partisan spirit. This word is found before NT     
         times only in Aristotle where it denotes a self-seeking     
         pursuit of political office by unfair means." (Arndt &      
         a. Thus, in Aristotle's time, politicking meant "self-
      2. Paul exhorts us to not put self forward or to be selfish.   
         Phil. 2:3-4 
      3. James speaks against having self-seeking or self-promoting  
         in our hearts. James 3:14 

   A. Agag came to a terrible fate. A prophet, in obedience to God,
      literally cut him in pieces.
      1. If we do not put to death certain evils in our lives, we,   
         too, will suffer a terrible fate at the hands of God.
      2. Sin must be dealt with ruthlessly and unmercifully, just as
         Saul was to deal with Agag, and Samuel eventually did.
   B. The battle between us and sin will never end, but the key is   
      that we must continually be engaged in combat.
      1. If we do not commit ourselves to relentlessly war against   
         sin, it will destroy us.
   C. May God help us to hack to pieces the Agags (evils) which are
      alive in our lives.

Hacking Agags To Pieces

Col. 3:5-10                        
   A. Fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire.
   B. Covetousness, which is idolatry. 
   C. Anger, wrath, malice.
   D. Blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth.
   E. Lying to one another.

Rom. 6:6-11
   A. The sinful deeds of the body.

Col. 2:20; 3:3; Gal. 2:20
   A. Oneself - A crucifixion (denial) of self.