"Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge." (Heb. 13:4)

Glynn Wolfe recently died alone in Los Angeles at the age of 88. No one came to claim his body. The city paid to have him buried in an unmarked grave. This is sad, but not unusual. It happens all too often in large cities where there are many homeless people who live on the streets.

Gynn Wolfe's situation was unique, though, because he held a record in the Guinness Book of world records. The Guinness Book listed him as the Most Married Man, with 29 marriages to his credit. This means that 29 times he said "I do" when he was asked, "Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife," and so forth, and at the end, "until death do you part" or "so long as you both shall live?"

Mr. Wolfe died leaving behind children, grand-children, great grand-children, and a number of living ex-wives, and innumerable ex-in-laws, and still, he died alone with no one to bury his body.

Mr. Wolfe is an example of how people spend their lives drifting in and out of marriages, in and out of relationships, only to find themselves isolated and alone. Apparently, he spent his entire life looking for something he never found, and he died alone.