By David J. Riggs

   A. In the New Testament, there are several witnesses who gave
      testimony regarding Christ.
      1. All mankind must consider the evidence and render a verdict.
         God holds us responsible. John 3:18
   B. In many court trials witnesses are called from among the camp  
      of the enemy.
      1. Lawyers will use any witness whom they feel will be to their
         advantage and, thus, they will often call "hostile"         
         a. A "hostile" witness is one who is not a friend to the
            person on trial, but is opposed to him.
   C. Let us examine the testimony of some who were in opposition to
      Jesus. These were among the camp of the enemy.

   A. The Pharisees were bitterly opposed to the Lord.
      1. Instead of accepting His authority, they said He cast out
         demons by Beelzebub.
      2. There is no doubt that these witnesses are "hostile" because
         of their opposition to the Lord.
   B. They said, "He saved others." Matt. 27:42
      1. This is powerful testimony because it is not coming from
         disciples of Jesus, but from His sworn enemies.
         a. They are referring to His good works in healing and
            raising people from the dead.
      2. They did not deny His miracles. John 11:47
      3. Rather than accepting what those miracles implied, they
         chose to rebel against Him.
         a. The Pharisees could not put two and two together. To
            them, two plus two equals minus ten.
         b. However, not all of them were blinded. John 3:1-2
      4. Consider the words of the blind man who was given sight.
         John 9:28-33
         a. Truly, the miracles of Jesus show that He was approved
            of God. Acts 2:22
         b. The miracles are the evidence on which our faith stands.
            John 20:30-31

   A. Since Judas betrayed Jesus to the chief priests and elders, we
      would think that he would have some negative things to say     
      about Jesus.
      1. However, he said, "I have sinned by betraying innocent
   B. Though he played the part of an enemy or traitor, Judas'
      testimony rings down through the ages as strong evidence of
      what he truly thought of Jesus.
   C. The blood of Christ is, indeed, innocent blood. 1 Pet. 1:18-19
      1. We are not redeemed by things which men value, but with
         the precious blood of the Lamb without blemish and without
      2. Jesus was the only innocent man who ever lived, and His
         blood is the only blood which will freely and completely
         remove sin. Heb. 9:14
   D. When anyone sins, he forfeits his life. Rom. 6:23; Ezek. 18:4
      1. By the shed blood of Christ, it is possible for man to live
         again. Rom. 3:23-26
         a. No one can approach God except through and by virtue
            of the redeeming blood of Christ. Eph. 1:7; 2:13-18

   A. Pilate was the governor of Judea, being appointed by Caesar.
      1. Pilate knew Jesus was innocent, and in a very weak and
         cowardly manner tried to defend Him.
      2. No doubt, what scared Pilate the most was the threat of
         being reported to Caesar. John 19:12.
      3. In order to appease the Jews, he had Jesus scourged. John
         a. He probably thought that when the Jews saw Jesus in
            the weakened, deplorable condition after the scourging,
            they would be appeased.
         b. He underestimated the intense hatred the evil Jews had
            toward Jesus.
   B. Pilate will always be known as a weak, cowardly politician who
      allowed the Son of God to be put do death.
      1. Pilate's testimony, as the other hostile witness, rings down
         through the ages. He said three times to those evil Jews, "I
         find no fault in Him at all."
      2. Thus, again, Jesus is indeed that sacrificial Lamb without
         blemish and without spot. Isa. 53:7-8

   A. This last witness from the enemy's camp is the commander who
      was over the soldiers who crucified Christ.
      1. He was there when his own men took a hammer and pierced
         the hands and feet of Jesus with spikes.
      2. He was there when they lifted up the cross and placed it    
         into a hole in the ground so that it would stand upright.
      3. He was there those long hours as they waited for those
         crucified to die.
   B. When the centurion saw the darkness over all the land, heard   
      the cries of Jesus when He died, and saw the earthquake that   
      split rocks in two, he said, "Truly this was the Son of God!"
      1. Thus, coming from a witness we would least expect, who
         knew very little about Jesus' work and teaching, is         
         testimony to the Deity of Christ.
      2. On the basis of the little amount of evidence he saw on that
         notable day, he bore witness to the world that Jesus is the
         Son of God.

   A. Thus, all of our hostile witnesses bear strong, favorable      
      testimony regarding Jesus the Christ.
   B. We haven't taken time to examine the "friendly" witnesses. We
      will do that at a later time.
      1. The testimony of the friendly witnesses is much more
         powerful than that of the hostile witnesses.
   C. Nevertheless, what is your verdict regarding the Christ as you
      hear these hostile witnesses?
      1. As Jesus said on one occasion, "What think ye of Christ?
         Whose son is he?"
      2. You can confess Jesus as your Lord, as your Master and
         Savor, cleanse your sins through His precious blood, and
         leave this place today as a new creature in Him.
      3. Or, you can leave this place having passed a verdict of
         opposition and rejection of Him, counting His blood as an
         unholy thing.
   D. What will your verdict be?
      1. Upon your verdict, rests not only the life that now is, but 
         of that which is to come.
      2. We pray that your verdict and reaction will be the right    