By David J. Riggs

   A. The reason for a lesson from the O.T. Rom. 15:4; 1 Cor. 10:11
   B. A prophecy was given in Gen. 50:22-26.
      1. Joseph's bones lay in Egypt for 300 years; however, the
         fulfillment finally came. Ex. 13:19; Joshua 24:32

I. Lessons we can learn regarding Joseph's bones.
   A. Mortality - Every one of us must die.
      1. God had originally intended that man eat of the tree of life
         and live forever. Gen. 3:22-24; Gen. 2:17; 3:19
      2. There are only two exceptions where men escaped death.
         Gen. 5:24; Heb. 11:5; 2 Kings 2:11
      3. The passing of time lulls us into a false security, like the
         rich man - Luke 12:19-21.
      4. However, Joseph said, "I die...and he died, being 110 years
         a. In his death there was a lesson for Israel and for us.
            Eccl. 7:2; Psalm 90:12
   B. No man is indispensable to God's plan.
      1. Joseph had held the highest position in government, and he
         was an important tool in God's hand for carrying out the
         history of Israel.
         a. However, he was not indispensable in God's plans. His
            did not alter God's course for His people.
      2. Others have been equally prominent, but none indispensable.
         a. Moses died and Joshua took over.
         b. King David died and Solomon reigned in his place.
         c. There is room for everyone in God's kingdom, and a
            work for everyone to do.
            (1) However, no one is indispensable in God's plan.
                His purposes are not dependent upon anyone.
            (2) The Jews thought they were extremely important in
                God's scheme of things. However, Matt. 3:7-10.
      3. We, too, need to be reminded of our rightful place. Eccl.
         5:2-3; Rom. 9:20-24
         a. Our lot here is to serve God acceptably. Eccl. 12:13
   C. Hope of deliverance. Gen. 50:24
      1. After the death of Joseph, there arose a new king over Egypt
         who did not know Joseph, and because he feared the
         strength of Israel, he enslaved God's people. Ex. 1:7-14;
      2. Joseph's bones lying in a tomb in Egypt, kept reminding
         them that God had promised to deliver them. It gave hope.
   D. God will do what He says He will do. Gen. 50:24-25
      1. God's promise was fulfilled. God said He would deliver His
         people out of bondage, and He did.
      2. God also said He would remove Joseph's bones out of
         Egypt, and He did.
      3. The promise to re-bury Joseph might seem like an
         insignificant thing, but nothing which God says will fail.  
         He always delivers.
         a. Not one jot or tittle, even the smallest of matters,     
            shall fail. God will do exactly what He says He will do. 
            2 Pet. 3:7,9
      4. Others who were assured of the faithfulness of God.
         a. Sarah - Heb. 11:11.
         b. Abraham - Rom. 4:19-21

II. Parallel Lessons from Jesus' grave. The Bible tells of another   
   man who died and was buried in a borrowed tomb. He did not lay in 
   the tomb 300 years, only 3 days and 3 nights. His death, burial,  
   and resurrection teach the greatest lessons of all.
   A. Immortality - All men shall live.
      1. Just as the death of Joseph and his tomb taught that all men
         must die, the empty tomb of Jesus proclaims that all men
         shall live. John 11:11, 25-26,43-44; 1 Cor. 15:22; John     
      2. Jesus Christ brought life and immortality to light through  
         the gospel. 2 Tim. 1:10
         a. Through Jesus Christ, man forever has the answer to the
            question, "If a man die, shall he live again"? Job 14:14
   B. There is one man who is indispensable in God's plan - Jesus
      1. Our salvation is totally dependent upon this one man. Heb.
         10:11-14; John 14:6
      2. The death of Joseph reveals that salvation wasn't dependent
         on him, but the death of Jesus reveals that salvation is    
         totally dependent on him. Acts 4:12
   C. Christ's death and resurrection are the basis for our hope.
      1. Joseph's burial in an Egyptian tomb and the prophecy given
         concerning it, were the basis of Israel's hope of           
      2. The death, burial, and resurrection of Christ are the bases 
         of our hope. Rom. 6:5
         a. 1 Cor. 6:14; 2 Cor. 4:14; Rom. 8:11
         b. Phil. 3:20-21; 1 Thess. 4:13-18
   D. His death and resurrection teach us that God will do all He    
      says He will do.
      1. Luke 24:44 - All the things written about Him in the law,
         prophets, and the Psalms were fulfilled.
      2. Acts 13:27-30 - He fulfilled all that was written concerning
      3. Therefore, God will do all that He says regarding us.
         a. Col. 2:12; 1;13
         b. John 15:6; Matt. 10:22
         c. 2 Thess. 1:7-9: 2 Cor. 5:10
         d. Matt. 25:31-34,41,46; Rev. 22:12-14

   A. Heb. 11:22
      1. Some verses may, on the surface, seem insignificant.
      2. However, in view of the things we have studied in this
         lesson, certainly the statements in Heb. 11:22 are not