2 Cor. 3:1-3

By David J. Riggs

   A. We don't have any personally written letters or epistles given 
      to us by Jesus Christ.
      1. However, we do have many epistles which were written by
         His chosen servants.
      2. In 1 Kings 8:16,20 it says that "God built the temple";
         however, we know He did not personally build it, but He
         built it by having it done. So it is with the letters of    
   B. 2 Cor. 3:3 shows that Christians are letters or epistles of    
      1. These are "living epistles," known and read by all men. 2
         Cor. 3:2
      2. This is a sobering thought. Our lives are the only message  
         of a religious nature that some people will read.

   A. Definitely, not all people are letters of Christ. Nevertheless,
      they are still read by others.
      1. Everyone has an influence of some kind. There is no neutral
         ground. Matt. 12:30
      2. Often, individuals are being read even though they may not
         realize it.
      3. Even those who are neutral are influence others to be       
         neutral like them.
   B. Of course, the Christian is never neutral, but makes a constant
      and persistent stand against sin and error.
      1. We need to be constantly on guard against sinful lusts. Eph.
      2. "Pali, this bull has killed me." So said Jose Cubero, one of 
         Spain's most brilliant matadors, before he lost             
         consciousness and died. Only 21 years old, he had been      
         enjoying a spectacular career. However, in this 1985        
         bullfight, Jose made a tragic mistake. He thrust his sword a
         final time into a bleeding, delirious bull, which then      
         collapsed. Considering the struggle finished, Jose turned to
         the crowd to acknowledge the applause. The bull, however,   
         was not dead. It rose and lunged at the unsuspecting        
         matador, its horn piercing his back an puncturing his       
         heart." (From Illustrations for Preaching & Teaching, p.    
      3. Likewise, sinful lusts can be very deceitful. Just when we
         think they are dead, they can rise up and pierce us from
         behind. Let us be on guard.

   A. We are read by our speech.
      1. The proper speech for the Christian is revealed in Eph.     
         4:29; Col. 4:6.
      2. We know that at times we are guilty of careless, thoughtless
      3. We need to guard our speech very carefully. Matt. 12:36-37
         a. Let us be swift to hear but slow to speak. James 1:19
   B. We are read by our conduct. "Actions speak louder than words."
      1. We are read concerning how we do in our employment.
         People know if we are good, honest, hard workers. 1 Thess.
      2. We are read regarding our concern for our neighbor's
      3. We are read by how we spend our leisure time.
      4. We are read by the way we dress. 1 Tim. 2:9-10
         a. The Bible acknowledges that there is such a thing as
            "the attire of a harlot." Prov. 7:10
   C. We are read regarding our interest in spiritual things.
      1. If we are truly concerned, it will show. Also, if we are
         unconcerned, it will show.
      2. We ask some personal questions:
         a. Are you interested in visiting, studying, praying,
         b. Are you interested in the growth of the local
         c. Are you interested in promoting love, unity, and good-
            will among brethren?
      3. Some has rightly said, "Life is like writing a book. Each   
         day we write a sentence; each week we write a paragraph;    
         each month we write a page; each year we write a chapter;   
         and soon, life is over, and the book is finished."

   A. A Legible Letter. "Legible" means "capable of being read or
      deciphered: plain." (Webster)
      1. Our print must not be blurred.
         a. In some of the "church bulletins" I once received, the
            print would be so blurred I couldn't make it out.
         b. Brethren should be more concerned about what they
            publish. They are presenting the precious words of life
            to the world, and they need to do the best they can in
            presenting them.
         c. The Christian should be an epistle of Christ which can
            be easily read. Matt. 5:14-16
      2. Our print must not be too small.
         a. Some of the old commentaries were printed in such
            small print that a little reading would give one a
         b. Some Christians do not stand out boldly for the cause of
         c. Someone once asked regarding another member, "Is he
            for us or against us?"
            (1) After having a brief discussion with a young
                preacher, someone said, "He seems to be a liberal
                preacher who is about to be converted to
                conservatism," but, to the contrary, the brethren
                mentioned, "he is a conservative preacher who is
                about to be converted to liberalism."
   B. A Positive Letter.
      1. We must have clearness of meaning.
         a. How many times have we read something and we didn't
            understand it?
         b. The message was not clearly and positively set forth.
      2. All Christians must be positive letters. Phil. 2:14-15
      3. Also, we need to clearly and positively set forth the gospel
         of Christ with all boldness and plainness of speech. Acts   
         a. Someone reported to a nephew, "Your uncle James,
            being advanced in years, suffering from the debilities
            that attach to the encroachment of senility, and having
            suffered severe financial reverses, in a moment of
            dementia, precipitated his own demise." When asked if
            he would please explain in layman's terms what he
            meant, he said, "Your uncle Jim got old, lost his wad,
            went nuts, and bumped himself off!"
         b. As we try to teach the gospel to others, let us use great
            plainness of speech. Let us do our best in making the
            message clear and plain. 
   C. A Convincing Letter.
      1. Many good books have been written on "evidences";
         however, none are as convincing as the transformed
      2. Let us not be letters that reveal spots and blemishes, but  
         that convincingly radiate the One who has called us into His
      3. A detergent advertisement depicted a little fellow looking
         intently at his shadow that fell across his pathway. The
         slogan underneath the picture read: "That's the only thing  
         we can't wash out!" 
         a. As we consider this clever bit of sales promotion, we are
            reminded of the shadow of influence we cast on others
            by our example. Wrong attitudes and actions can
            engrave an impression on the minds of others which are
            next to impossible to erase. Just as we can leave a
            permanent mark for evil, we can likewise leave a lasting
            effect for good. 
         b. Let us, therefore, strive to live so that our loving     
            spirit, vibrant faith, and purity of life are never      
            diluted by inconsistency. 1 Tim. 4:12
   D. An Enduring Letter.
      1. Letters of famous people become collector's items.
         a. Though some people are dead, they still speak.
         b. Here are some Biblical examples:
            (1) Able. Heb. 11:4
            (2) Mary. Mark 14:9; John 11:2
      2. Our lives may not be as far-reaching as Able or Mary; but,
         we do affect our immediate generation.
         a. Let us not be letters of:
            (1) Idleness. Matt. 20:6; Rom. 13:11-14
            (2) Negligence. Heb. 2:1-3
            (3) Lukewarmness. Rev. 3:15-16
            (4) Quarrels and strife. 2 Cor. 12:20

   A. How does your life read?
   B. Let us not make for poor reading, but let us be legible,       
      positive, convincing, and enduring letters of Christ.
   C. Here are the words of an old song entitled, "The World's       

      Christ has no hands but our hands to do His work today;
      He has no feet but our feet to lead men in His way;

      He has no tongue but our tongues to tell men how He died;
      He has no help but our help to bring them to His side.

      We are the only Bible the careless world will read;
      We are the sinner's gospel; we are the scoffer's creed;

      We are the Lord's last message given in deed and word.
      What if the type is crooked? What if the print is blurred?

Letters Of Christ
A Legible Letter
A Positive Letter
A Convincing Letter
An Enduring Letter