Matt. 16:24-28

By David J. Riggs

   A. The soul is the most valuable possession one has.
      1. In a chapel in Southern France, the great Emperor
         Charlemagne is buried. In that chapel is a large dome and in
         the center of that dome is where the body of Charlemagne is
         placed. It is not unusual that his body is buried in a
         prominent place. However, the manner of his burial is. He's
         seated on a marble chair and wrapped in his emperor's robes.
         In his lap is a copy of the N.T., and his finger is pointing
         to a verse. It is Matt. 16:26.
   B. In this lesson we want to ask and answer three basic questions:
      1. Does the Bible teach that man has a soul?
      2. Why is one's soul valuable?
      3. What will one give in exchange for his soul?

   A. We examine two passages which reveal that man has a soul.
      1. Acts 9:36-42
         a. Luke said - Vs. 39.
         b. "While she was with them." - However, her body was
            still there when the statement was made.
            (1) There was something of Dorcas that was not there
         c. When you and I pass on, the real person or the soul will
            be gone. What the people see lying in the coffin is not
            the real person.
      2. Luke 16:19-23 - Is this just a parable?
         a. A parable (lit. "to lay beside") was something well
            known "laid beside" something not well known.
            (1) Parables were always taken from things true to
            (2) Jesus did not make up fictitious tales to illustrate
         b. Thus, Luke 16 is not a parable but a revelation of what
            actually happens when one dies. One's soul or spirit
            departs at death and has conscious existence in the
            realm beyond.
         c. If Luke 16 is only a parable, what do the things in it
            (1) Some say, "the rich man" represents the wicked
                (such as the Pharisees) and "Lazarus," the good.
            (2) However, what about verse 26? Does this mean a
                wicked person could never be converted? What
                about the Pharisee from Tarsus named Saul?

   A. Because it is made in the image of God. Gen. 1:26-27
      1. God does not have a physical body like ours. John 4:24;
         Luke 24:39
      2. It is that part on the inside, our eternal nature, that is  
         like God. 
         a. For this reason we should not be so much concerned
            with outward appearance.
            (1) People spend much money and many hours in
                maintaining their outward appearance.
            (2) In nearly all cosmetics, clothes, exercise
                equipment, hours spent at the health spa, and you
                name it, emphasis is on the physical.
         b. People should be more concerned about developing
            their inner makeup. Prov. 31:30; 1 Tim. 4:8
   B. Secondly, the soul is valuable because its existence is not
      terminated when the body is laid to rest.
      1. The body dies, and is laid in the ground and quickly returns
         back to the dust.
         a. In only a few years time, you would find only a few
            bones if you went to the grave and dug.
      2. The nature of the soul is altogether different and this is  
         what makes the soul valuable.
      3. Of course, that is what Jesus is trying to teach us in Matt.
         16:26 and other passages.
         a. How we live this brief life-span determines our eternal
         b. What we accumulate on earth has no value toward
            eternal life.
         c. The highest social or civic honors cannot earn us
            entrance into heaven.
         d. We need to evaluate all things (possessions, decisions,
            actions) from an eternal perspective, from the soul's
   C. Also, the soul is valuable because of the cost it took to      
      redeem it.
      1. It took the life of the Son of God to redeem our souls. 1   
         Pet. 1:18-19
      2. It was not just anyone's life. For example, the giving of   
         John the Baptist's life could not redeem our souls.
      3. We may not understand why the Son of God had to die, but
         we do understand that the soul must be extremely valuable
         for that to have had to happen.
         a. You and I can be part of this; Jesus died to redeem and
            save our souls. Praise the Lord! To Him be the glory
            both now and forever! Amen!

   A. The word "exchange" pictures a business transaction in which
      one is bartering for something. "Barter" means "to trade or
      exchange one commodity for another." (Webster)
   B. If the devil came to you and began to bargain with you for your
      soul, what would it take for him to have it?
      1. How much money would it take for the devil to buy your
         soul? One million? Half million? Hundred thousand?
         a. A lot of people are selling their souls to the devil for
            nearly nothing. 1 Tim. 6:10
      2. Will you sell your soul to the devil for the things of the
         a. Through lack of faith and Bible knowledge, some
            people sell out far too cheaply.
            (1) Example, Esau - Heb. 12:15-17
            (2) Why did he sell his birthright so cheaply? Gen.
                (a) "Despised" - "To make of no account, to
                    regard as nothing, to count as common or
                    profane" (Thayer)
                (b) Esau who was very hungry, said, "What
                    good is my birthright at this present time?"
                    and thus he sold it for only one morsel of
            (3) Many today say, "What good is the promise of
                heaven, when I have this present need, or this
                present problem." Thus, they sell out for a very
                cheap price.
      3. Will we sell out for sinful pleasures?
         a. Ex., the fornicator - Heb. 12:16
         b. Joseph didn't sell out did he? Gen. 39:7-9
         c. What's truly sad is that young people will sell their
            virginity for a cheap price.
         d. Or worse, some will throw away a good marriage, just
            for a moment's pleasure.
            (1) Think of the damage they do, and for that
                moment's pleasure. It makes no sense.
         e. I guess they think they can repent and everything will be
            as it was. You can repent, but things are never the same.
            The adulterer has failed in the one thing that is
            important to a marriage - fidelity.
            (1) Also, you can't get away from yourself. You have
                to live with yourself for the rest of your life.
      4. Will we let some man beguile us through his false teaching?
         Col. 2:18
         a. The devil is the master of this. 2 Cor. 11:13-15
         b. Through our own lack of Bible study, we can lose the
            most valuable thing we have.
         c. Through our own unwillingness to stand for truth, we
            can let it happen.
      5. Will we lose our soul because we are too foolish to put     
         forth the effort to save it?
         a. Due to lack of preparation, God said to the rich fool, -
            "Thou fool..." Luke 12:20
            (1) Many people are fools because the day is coming
                when God will say to them, "This night thy soul is
                required of thee."
            (2) It is sheer folly to mind and pursue that which
                pertains to this world only.
            (3) Let us be wise enough to seek and pursue mainly
                those things which pertain to the soul.

   A. It matters not what else you do in this life, if you do not    
      save your own soul, you have been a complete failure.
      1. You might gather about you great riches and fame, and leave
         thousands of friends to mourn your departing, but if you
         have not saved your soul, you have been a miserable failure.
      2. On the other hand, you may die in a charity home for the
         poor, and be buried in a potter's field without a single    
         friend to mourn, but if you saved your soul, your life was a
         marvelous success.
   B. You can't afford to lose your soul, for if you lose it, you    
      lose all.
      1. To the faithful will be given the place of eternal rest.
         a. There will be no pain, sickness, or death there.
         b. It is the inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and  
            that fades not away. 
         c. It is that city built by the living God.
      2. On the other hand, there is the place of eternal punishment.
         a. It is where the wicked will be tormented day and night
   C. You don't have to lose your soul.
      1. Humbly submit yourself to the will of God.
         a. Let His Word guide you, and let no man beguile you of
            your reward.
         b. Overcome temptations and suffer for His cause with
         c. If you do these things, you will save your soul, and
            heaven will be your's, because the Eternal God, who
            cannot lie, has promised it.